10 Ways to Exercise Your Dog When it’s Raining

Does your dog go crazy when they’re stuck inside on rainy days? Exercising your dog when it's raining can be difficult and frustrating, but it doesn't have to be! Bad weather doesn't have to mean your pup has to be bored all day. There are plenty of creative ways to get your dog the exercise it needs, even when the rain won't stop. In this blog post, we'll give you 10 ways to exercise your dog when it's raining so your pup can stay active and happy.

  1. Use A Snuffle Mat or Puzzle

    Do you have a snuffle mat, slow feeder, or a kong? You can use their breakfast and dinner, give them some extra treats, or throw some dog-safe peanut butter in the freezer. It might not distract them for too long, but their brain is getting some great mental stimulation and this can help tire them out. 

    Bonus: If you don't have any of these... try rolling food up into a towel and tying it in a knot!

  2. Set Up An Obstacle Course

    Making a fort doesn't have to just be for the kids! Set up some stools or chairs and guide your dog through them for some agility training. This is also great for building confidence and obedience.

  3. Play Tug Of War

    Grab their favorite toy and play a good ol' game of tug-o-war.

  4. Have A Game Of Indoor Fetch

    Any ball should work… Find the longest hallway in your house and get to fetchin'!

  5. Do Some Obedience Routines

    Use a leash and/or treats to practice some obedience routines. Sit, down, stay, and heeling can all be done in the comfort of your home!

  6. Teach Them A New Trick

    If your pup is a master at all things obedience, you can scroll through Instagram for a few minutes to find a fancy new trick to teach them. Our recent favorite is drying their mouth after drinking water, it's cute and convenient!

  7. Go For A Structured Walk Indoors

    Head over to your local Home Depot or pet store, making sure your dog is in the perfect heel position and sprinkle in some obedience commands throughout to get them some great mental stimulation when you can't go for a long hike. 

  8. Dog Massage

    That's right! We said dog massage. Instead of those boring old scratchies, give your dog some intentional massages to stretch out their muscles, a special treat they didn't know they needed!

  9. Spay Day?

    Okay maybe not a spa day, but rainy days provide some great downtime to focus on hygiene! Not to mention the cold weather can really irritate some dogs’ skin. Brushing their coat, teeth, and rubbing coconut oil on any dry spots should do the trick!

  10. Treadmill

    Of course, you can always opt for a treadmill if your dog is very high-energy. This is sure to tire them out when all else fails.

Adorable little dog cartoon in rain coat with list of 10 ways to exercise your dog in the rain

The Key to Effective Dog Training


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